Our faculty, alumni, and students are leaders in the occupational therapy field. 他们进行的研究, findings they present at national conferences, and corresponding articles and books they publish help shape the way occupational therapy is conceived, 教, 和实践. Dr. 简·奥布莱恩的教科书 职业治疗 for Children and Adolescents, 例如, is a leading resource in OT education and has even been translated into Korean and Chinese.


cover of pediatric skills by jane obrien

所罗门J. W. & O ' brien J. (Eds.). (2020). Pediatric skills for 职业治疗 Assistants (5日艾德.) 爱思唯尔.

Sladyk K.雅各布斯,K., & 麦克雷,N. (2014). 职业治疗 Essentials for Clinical Competence, (2nd Ed.) 费城:松弛. 

Read a press release about Nancy McRae's 职业治疗 Essentials for Clinical Competence

Robnett R. H., & 切,W. (2013). Gerontology for the 健康 Care Professional (第三艾德.). 琼斯 & 巴特利特.

O ' brien J. & 所罗门J. (2013). Occupational Analysis and 组织过程. St. 路易:爱思唯尔.

Read a press release about Jane O'Brien's Occupational Analysis and 组织过程

所罗门J. & O ' brien J. (2011). Pediatric Skills for 职业治疗 Assistants (第三艾德.) St. 路易:爱思唯尔.

Read a press release about Jane O'Brien's Pediatric Skills for Occupation Therapy Assistants

O ' brien J. & 赫西年代. (2012). Introduction to 职业治疗 (第四版.). St. 路易:爱思唯尔.

Case-Smith J. & O ' brien J. (Eds.). (2010). 职业治疗 for Children (6位埃德.). St. 路易:爱思唯尔.

Read a press release about Jane O'Brien's 职业治疗 for Children



Froehlich. J.罗伊,M.C.奥古斯托尼,B.埃尔德里奇,J.阿森诺特,A. (2014). 自我治疗性使用. 在雅各布斯,K。. & 麦克雷,N. (Eds.), Occupational therapy essentials for clinical competence (第二版.). 新泽西州thorfare: SLACK,Inc.

Froehlich J.罗伊,M.C.奥古斯托尼,B.阿森诺特,A.埃尔德里奇,J. (2014). 有效的沟通. 在雅各布斯,K。. & 麦克雷,N. (Eds.), Occupational therapy essentials for clinical competence (第二版.). 新泽西州thorfare: SLACK, Inc.

Cropley D., Froehlich. J. & •多诺休,M.V. (2014). Evaluation of social participation. 在雅各布斯,K。. & 麦克雷,N. (Eds.), Occupational therapy essentials for clinical competence (第二版.). 新泽西州thorfare: SLACK, Inc.

Froehlich J.Boivin, M.Rice, D.麦格劳,K.孟森,E.沃尔特·K.C., & 布洛赫,M.K.S. (2013). Influencing university students’ knowledge and attitudes toward breastfeeding. Journal of Nutrition, Education and Behavior, 45(3), 282-284.


汉拉罕K. (2013年11月). 术语:活动分析. 在奥布莱恩,J. & 所罗门J.、职业分析 & 组织过程. St. 路易:爱思唯尔.


卢卡,K. M.A .怀廷.利玛窦,E. & 科恩·康拉德,S. (2012).  Transdisciplinary  playgroup: Interprofessional opportunities in early intervention practice education. OT实践,17(3),8-13. Bethesda, MD: The American 职业治疗 Association.


p>Baillargeon, L.米肖,K.福捷,K., & 林,C. (2011). Positioning and handling: A neurodevelopmental approach. 在J. 所罗门 & J. O ' brien (Eds.) Pediatric Skills for 职业治疗 Assistants (3rd  ed.).  St. 路易:爱思唯尔.

巴里,. & 史蒂文斯,M., (2011). Orthoses, orthosis fabrication and taping. 在J. 所罗门 & J. O ' brien (Eds.) Pediatric Skills for 职业治疗 Assistants (3rd  ed.).  St. 路易:爱思唯尔.

德斯贾丁斯,米. & Savoyski J. (2011). 日常生活活动. 在J. 所罗门 & J. O ' brien (Eds.) Pediatric Skills for 职业治疗 Assistants (3rd  ed.).  St. 路易:爱思唯尔.

赫斯曼,C. & Steva B. (2011). Instrumental activities of daily living. 在J. 所罗门 & J. O ' brien (Eds.) Pediatric Skills for 职业治疗 Assistants (3rd  ed.).  St. 路易:爱思唯尔.

O ' brien J. & Duren G. (2011). 玩耍与玩乐. 在J. 所罗门 & J. O ' brien (Eds.) Pediatric Skills for 职业治疗 Assistants (3rd  ed.).  St. 路易:爱思唯尔.



卢卡,K. M. & 旅程,B. J. (2010). Interventions of play and leisure.   在K. 雅各布斯,K. Sladyk, & N. 麦克雷(Eds.), Occupational therapy essentials for clinical competence, (pp.199-206).  新泽西州thorfare: Slack, Inc

O ' brien J.阿塞林,L.福捷,K.詹泽格斯,R.拉格,B., & Silcox C. (2010). Using therapeutic reasoning to apply the Model of Human Occupation in pediatric occupational therapy practice. Journal of 职业治疗, Schools & Early Intervention, 3, 348 – 365.


艾瑟琳说,E., (2009). Case study contribution: Kortney. (基尔霍夫纳,G). Conceptual Foundations in 职业治疗 (第四版.). F.A. 戴维斯.

福捷K. (2009). Case study contribution: Victoria. (基尔霍夫纳,G). Conceptual Foundations in 职业治疗 (第四版.). F.A. 戴维斯.

旅程,B. J. & 卢卡,K. M. (2009).  Adolescents with disability in school-based practice: Psychosocial intervention recommendations for a successful journey to adulthood. Journal of 职业治疗, Schools, & Early Intervention, 2(2), 119-132.

O ' brien J.伯杰隆,A.杜普雷,H.奥利弗,C., & St. 翁奇H. (2009).Children with disabilities and their parents’ views of occupational participation needs. 职业治疗 in 健康 Care, 25, 1- 17.


Robnett R.布洛杰特,M., DiAnni, V.傅尼耶,J.,夫人,K., & O ' donnell K. (二八年十一月十七日). How useful is the “Useful Field of View” for Driving Assessment? OT实践,21-22.

Sandmire D.O 'Brien, J.勒米厄,S.梅耶,S., & Moutinhu,年代. (2008). Cardiovascular and electroencephalographic responses to purposeful versus nonpurposeful activity in children.  职业治疗 in 健康 Care. 22 (4), 1 – 18.


金伯尔J. G.; With contributions from UNE OT students: (2007) Methods to improve turnout and abdominal strength in ballet students: A pilot study. Journal of Dance Medicine and 科学, 11 (1), pp. 11-12.